My sister and I sit at our kitchen counter preparing a meal. I am wearing a dark blue hoodie embroidered with a ‘T’ on my chest, while my sister wears a black sweater with a white line design covering the front. I lean forward with a smile on my face, lines creasing upwards on my light skin. My sister doesn’t realize I am taking a photo as her reaction is opposing mine. My left hand is outstretched capturing the moment while my right is slowly placing a piece of lettuce on top of my burger. On my side, my sister’s white light skinned face is covered by an industrial sized barbecue sauce container as she delicately prepares her food. My dark brown hair falls just above my shoulders with one strand of hair falling out of place in front of my squinting eyes. Through the window behind us, a stream of bright light beams across our ceiling and walls. A small capture of the joy my family shares as we prepare our meals together every night.